
Showing posts from January, 2017

Quick and Easy Step to Make Mouth-Watering Pound Cake

Who doesn’t love cakes, bringing you back to the kitchen and giving you kitchen tested quality recipes and confidence to bake and cook from scratch, and it’s that time of the year again!!! Jocelyn Delk Adams, the manager of Grandbaby Cakes helps you to make some of the most enjoying deserts and cakes at its best. If you have a pound cake on hand, then we have an easy and basic steps, how to make poundcakes , it and can be ready in an hour just matter of minutes. Ingredients required: Flour  Baking Powder Butter Sugar Eggs Chocolate (if you want to add chocolate syrup to your pound cake) 1. For the chocolate lover, drizzle a slice of pound cake with your favorite chocolate syrup, pop in the microwave and heat it about 30 seconds, or until the chocolate in not enough melt for the cake overcoating. 2. An old, time-tested dessert is reinvented with pound cake. Spread a slice of pound cake with softened butter. 3. Sprinkle a tablespoon of dark brown...